Jesse Weisberg
Jesse Weisberg
I am also having issues with a tricycle drive for finer maneuvers. My tricycle drive is slightly different in that it has a back steered wheel. I'm testing a simulated...
Hi Alessandro, I'll actually have something up either tomorrow or Tuesday that incorporates real-time object recognition with moveo control. I'll post a link here when it's up.
@alequeiroz sorry for the delay, but I've got something for you now! I added to the existing **moveo_ros** repo so that you can now use real-time object recognition from a...
@magnuspyke Thank you for looking into this and finding a solution. I will close when I get around to pushing the fix.
Hi, thanks for the well documented issue! I apologize for the late response. If you perform the exact same trajectory with the same max speed from both terminal and trajectory...
I think you're onto something here. My robot isn't super jerky, but I do notice the following when I run rostopic hz /joint_steps: 1) The first movements run at about...
This should actually be easier, given most servo motors have positional feedback. I don't have time to do this, but will accept a valid pull request for such functionality!
This may have to do with the fact that the moments of inertia in the URDF's are not accurate and throwing off Gazebo. The physics really have to be accurate...