Jesse Grabowski
Jesse Grabowski
### Before Currently, this graph has valid gradients with respect to `mu` and `sigma`: ```python mu = pt.dscalar('mu') sigma = pt.dscalar('sigma') epsilon = pt.random.normal(0, 1) z = mu + sigma...
### Before _No response_ ### After _No response_ ### Context for the issue: Currently, the Cholesky `Op` does not act in-place. This is a known problem since the Theano days...
### Describe the issue: The `ProdWithoutZeros` `Op` arises in the gradients of ``. This currently cannot be compiled to gradient mode unless we specifically pass `no_zeros_in_input=True`. I guess we would...
## Description When the `nnet` sub-module was depreciated, the old theano convolution functions went into the trashcan, along with the associated docs. This was partially reverted, but the docs and...
### Issue with current documentation: This is a collection place for beginner friendly issues that we can point participants to ### Idea or request for content: _No response_
### Describe the issue: It seems the JAX linker downcasts index constants to `uint8`? `mode=None` and `mode="NUMBA"` work as expected. Declaring an index variable (`i = pt.lscalar('i'); z = x[i]`)...
### Before ```python import pymc as pm from pymc.model.transform.optimization import freeze_dims_and_data with pm.Model() as m: ... with freeze_dims_and_data(m): idata_prior = pm.sample_prior_predictive(compile_kwargs={"mode":"JAX"}) with m: idata = pm.sample() with freeze_dims_and_data(m): idata =...
### Before ```python import pymc as pm import numpy as np with pm.Model() as m: mu = pm.Normal('mu') sigma = pm.Exponential('sigma', 1) obs = pm.Normal('obs', mu, sigma, observed=np.random.normal(size=(100,)) idata =...
### Before _No response_ ### After ```python import pytensor import pytensor.tensor as pt from functools import wraps def step_lr_scheduler(optimizer, update_every, gamma=0.1): # optimizer is a functools.parital, so we can update...
### Description `find_MAP` is a bit out of style, but it's still a useful bit of functionality in PyMC that could use some love. In particular, I'm thinking about the...