pytensor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pytensor copied to clipboard

Beginner Friendly Issue Tracker for PyData Global Sprint

Open jessegrabowski opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

Issue with current documentation:

This is a collection place for beginner friendly issues that we can point participants to

Idea or request for content:

No response

jessegrabowski avatar Dec 06 '23 20:12 jessegrabowski

Beginner friendly issues

Here are the beginner friendly issues for pytensor, most recently updated first (which is this issue!)

Click to show the gh CLI command to generate it
CHECK_OFF=(534 471 462) &&
gh issue list --repo pymc-devs/pytensor --limit=100 --label "beginner friendly" --json number,title,labels,updatedAt,url --state open | 
jq -r 'sort_by(.updatedAt) | reverse | .[] | [.number, .title, .url] | @tsv' | 
awk -v checkList="$(printf ':%s:' "${CHECK_OFF[@]}")" -F"\t" '{
    match(checkList, ":" $1 ":");
    printf "- [%s] [%d: %s](%s)\n", (RLENGTH > 0) ? "x" : " ", $1, $2, $3;

Help wanted issues

Here are the help wanted issues for pytensor, most recently updated first

Click to show the gh CLI command to generate it
CHECK_OFF=(534 471 462) &&
gh issue list --repo pymc-devs/pytensor --limit=100 --label "help wanted" --json number,title,labels,updatedAt,url --state open | 
jq -r 'sort_by(.updatedAt) | reverse | .[] | [.number, .title, .url] | @tsv' | 
awk -v checkList="$(printf ':%s:' "${CHECK_OFF[@]}")" -F"\t" '{
    match(checkList, ":" $1 ":");
    printf "- [%s] [%d: %s](%s)\n", (RLENGTH > 0) ? "x" : " ", $1, $2, $3;

lmmx avatar Dec 06 '23 20:12 lmmx

@lmmx I have updated the beginner-friendly labels in case you want to update the list above

ricardoV94 avatar Dec 07 '23 12:12 ricardoV94