pytensor copied to clipboard
Beginner Friendly Issue Tracker for PyData Global Sprint
Issue with current documentation:
This is a collection place for beginner friendly issues that we can point participants to
Idea or request for content:
No response
Beginner friendly issues
Here are the beginner friendly issues for pytensor, most recently updated first (which is this issue!)
Click to show the gh CLI command to generate it
CHECK_OFF=(534 471 462) &&
gh issue list --repo pymc-devs/pytensor --limit=100 --label "beginner friendly" --json number,title,labels,updatedAt,url --state open |
jq -r 'sort_by(.updatedAt) | reverse | .[] | [.number, .title, .url] | @tsv' |
awk -v checkList="$(printf ':%s:' "${CHECK_OFF[@]}")" -F"\t" '{
match(checkList, ":" $1 ":");
printf "- [%s] [%d: %s](%s)\n", (RLENGTH > 0) ? "x" : " ", $1, $2, $3;
- [x] 534: Beginner Friendly Issue Tracker for PyData Global Sprint
- [ ] 395: Revert patch for index underflow after location 127 when
- [ ] 334: Remove
- [ ] 153: Issue template doesn't render details tags properly
- [ ] 65: Remove
in favor of similarapplys_between
- [ ] 24: DOC: Remove & replace links to the (nonexistent) GitHub Wiki
- [ ] 377: Remove TopKOp and related functionality
- [x] 462: Add alias for logical function as called in numpy
- [ ] 479: Implement equivalent to
- [x] 471: Optimize
log1mexp(log1mexp(x)) -> x
- [ ] 453: Merge and
- [ ] 384: Test badge in Readme is not showing last test on main
- [ ] 378: Optimize reductions of broadcasting (alloc)
- [ ] 350: Move
- [ ] 332: Make ifelse accessible at the root level
- [ ] 323: Move
and similar helpers to rewriting module - [ ] 59: Optimize
s ofMakeVector
s andJoin
s - [ ] 55: Implement missing
functions for binary ops - [ ] 223: Implement Rayleigh RV as a scaled Chi2
- [ ] 58: Canonicalize
Help wanted issues
Here are the help wanted issues for pytensor, most recently updated first
Click to show the gh CLI command to generate it
CHECK_OFF=(534 471 462) &&
gh issue list --repo pymc-devs/pytensor --limit=100 --label "help wanted" --json number,title,labels,updatedAt,url --state open |
jq -r 'sort_by(.updatedAt) | reverse | .[] | [.number, .title, .url] | @tsv' |
awk -v checkList="$(printf ':%s:' "${CHECK_OFF[@]}")" -F"\t" '{
match(checkList, ":" $1 ":");
printf "- [%s] [%d: %s](%s)\n", (RLENGTH > 0) ? "x" : " ", $1, $2, $3;
- [x] 534: Beginner Friendly Issue Tracker for PyData Global Sprint
- [ ] 430: Vectorize follow-up
- [ ] 447: Deprecate
machinery - [ ] 449: Use environment.yml (or something like that) in CI
- [ ] 378: Optimize reductions of broadcasting (alloc)
- [ ] 224: Fuse Composite Ops with CAReduce Ops in Numba/C backend
- [ ] 333: BUG: d3viz html template is not found after installation
- [ ] 305: Efficient Conv Ops were removed accidentally
- [ ] 299: Implement JAX and Numba dispatchers for ScalarLoop
- [ ] 264: Implement JAX conversion for Scan with mit-mot
- [ ] 247: Don't customize rewrite names
- [ ] 265: Implement JAX conversion for While Scan
- [ ] 180: Cache output of numba_funcify where possible
- [ ] 161: Add missing numba ops
@lmmx I have updated the beginner-friendly labels in case you want to update the list above