Jerome Etienne

Results 97 issues of Jerome Etienne

# UI - people get their bot in ascii and cut/past it somewhere - then they paste it again - it could work with multiple player

Hi, i love guri vr and its concept of using natural language to generate AR/VR content. I would like to contribute to make it even better. This command line tool...

This is for the `/examples` - PORT is a nice simple name if you use it directly before the command line - but not specific enougth to put in a...

the demos are very impressive. i would like to use this library. where can i find documentation on it ?

this function is obsolete and trigger a console.warn() from three.js. ``` THREE.Matrix4: .makeFrustum() has been removed. Use .makePerspective( left, right, top, bottom, near, far ) instead. ``` in THREE.WebAR.js, in...

in my experience, this function may triggers the mobile application to crash. The bigger the scale number, the likeliest it crash. ``` THREE.WebAR.positionAndRotateObject3DWithPickingPointAndPlaneInPointCloud(pointAndPlane, object3d, scale) ``` keep on the good...

hi, im playing with your code, nice stuff :) im wondering what is magi.js ? your own webgl lib ?

- i would like to create an animated gif based on the captured images - any suggestion on how to do that ? - paul irish suggested to use

the image is outputed as a data-uri. Did you experience any issue due to "url too long" ?

hi Here is a pull request to add a basic remove button on each layer. Thus the user can delete an added layer. what do you think ?