Jeroen Pelgrims

Results 8 comments of Jeroen Pelgrims

I'm having the same issue but with npm. ![]( The package has published successfully, but np hangs on the publishing step. When I ctrl-c out of it the version in...

> @resurge I think that the issue you're experiencing is #79 (which you could bypass using a hack - see [#79 (comment)]( Hmm, possibly. However I tried the workaround without...

> However, using union types rather than intersection seems to do the trick. Am I missing something or would you consider treating additionalProperties/patternProperties as a union like shown below ?...

While that seems to be the [initial reason]( Playwright was created it is used for more that that. I myself use it for scraping or transforming html to PDF. I...

I had this issue with node v8.11.2 and markdown-pdf 9.0.0. But switching to node v10.13.0 solved the issue. No more error and the output generates fine.

> @jeroenpelgrims ... Are we going to resolve this or it would take more time? I'll try to test tomorrow. I actually haven't worked on the project this was for...

@quilkin > It's giving a typescript error for `chart.value.chart' because I cannot find the correct type definition for the chart isntance, but the code runs OK. ```typescript import { ChartComponentRef...