Julian Baumann
Julian Baumann
As the library is not maintained very well, it already caused us a lot of headaches and we needed some customization, we want to get rid of it altogether. This...
taken from #989: - I don't think users dig the settings to enable notifications. I think we should ask them when installing the PWA or after signing up for the...
When printing a event detail page, the layout is all over the place
As a planner, I expect to have a view where I can upload new files and delete previously uploaded files. As a user, I expect to have a view where...
When importing qualifications, I usually want to import all qualifications of a category. Currently, I need to select every qualification manually. I'd like to have a "select all of this...
shifts longer than 24h? is it a good idea that we just shift the start time by one day but not the meeting time? (can also be a part of...
As a user, I want to be able to enable 2FA for my ephios account. We could also require it for administrators or specific actions. https://github.com/mkalioby/django-mfa2 looks good, https://github.com/CZ-NIC/django-fido as...
In addition to the pages in the pages plugin, it would be good to be able to link to external pages (e.g. with additional resources or with an imprint on...