Results 19 comments of Jeremy Harris

@SamMnrve yeah, historically Cacher hasn't been happy when the cache has been disabled app-wide. I'll go through and write some tests and make Cacher behave.

Can you provide some sample code, including any behavior settings you're using? I added a test recently and it's correctly calling the behavior.

That looks fine to me. Is your cache disabled while running shells? `debug(Configure::read('Cache.disable'));` If not, throw a debug statement in `Cacher.CacheBehavior::beforeSave` to make sure it's running. I'm guessing something else...

Yes, this is because `deleteAll()` and `updateAll()` do not trigger callbacks by default, which are what Cacher uses to determine what file it should clean. While those methods support triggering...

Didn't mean to close this. Do you want to work on support for these methods? I think it may require a `find()` beforehand to determine ids, then clearing those specific...

Thanks for the detailed report! When I get a chance I'll create a test case and PR a fix :)

Fixed in

Yes I closed it by mistake. My apologies! I was going through older issues and thought this was fixed by the other PK fix.

I took a look and can't create a test case around your scenario. I'm not sure how really. Can you give me 2 simple table examples where you end up...

Sorry for the super late response, I'm not sure how I missed the notification! If you're using the lazy load plugin you shouldn't need to cache anything that's lazily loaded....