Results 19 comments of Jeremy Harris

ping @nachitox Checking in to see if #27 fixed your issue.

New entities can still have associated records, no? It's possible someone will want to use lazy loading to bring the associated record data after creating a new entity. I'd like...

Oh interesting, I didn't know loadInto wouldn't load if the entity is new. Makes sense for some association types but not all. Depending on your use case, you could mark...

I'm closing this as it seems to be an application specific need. If others want to be able to load associations into entities that have yet to be persisted, we...

Ok, so as I understand it, you wish to lazily load associations for entities that have not yet been persisted but have a foreign key on it (so belongsTo only)....

I'm not really sure what to do with this issue. My personal suggestion would be to patch the full associated entity, though I know that requires a bit of work...

Good questions. Perhaps it can create a merged build for each theme, prefixing the build file and serving the theme build if a theme is active when the helper tries...

I think the author knows this is a desired request. Just watch the thread for updates instead of adding to the +1 noise :)

@MrJuliuss thanks for bringing it up. `dev-master` has be 5.0-compatible thanks to for about 3 months, but nobody used it. Maybe that's because it wasn't a major release. I...