Penn Jenks

Results 19 issues of Penn Jenks

Currently the docstrings for `Module` subclasses don't display the default argument values when using `?`. Not sure if there is an automated way to display this, or to update all...


It would be nice to split up the the [MultiheadAttention]( Module code into utility functions for calculating attention weights and multihead attention without projection layers. Flax does this -- but...


The following works as expected ```julia julia> r = @rule a b log(a / b) --> log(a) - log(b) julia> r(:(log(x / y))) :(log(x) - log(y)) ``` However I'm interested...

Minimum working example: ```julia f(x) = sum(sum(reinterpret(SVector{size(x, 1), eltype(x)}, x))) Zygote.gradient(f, rand(3, 10)) ``` ``` ERROR: Need an adjoint for constructor Base.ReinterpretArray{SVector{3, Float64}, 2, Float64, Matrix{Float64}, false}. Gradient is of...

missing rule

This is a feature request to get LazyArrays to work with CuArrays (and potentially other GPUArray implementations) Some of the features of LazyArrays works with CuArrays out of the box,...

I'm interested in a fast GPU implementation for k nearest neighbor queries -- similar to [pytorch3d.ops.knn_points]( Flux3D seems like an appropriate place for this to live. Relevant pytorch3d code: [pytorch3d/csrc/knn](

I noticed that the bias parameters in linear and conv modules use a uniform initializer. Is there a good justification for this? I noticed that PyTorch does this to. I...


Can we get a new release that includes the OpenGL rasterization?

Check out my PyTorch version that implements the `MultiresHashEncoding`: And the NeuS fork that replaces the NeRF-like modules with `MultiresHashEncodings`: And discussion here:

- Adapt jax code from [sarafridov/plenoxels]( - Replace the plenoxel sparse grid with `HashArray` of - Replace spherical harmonic `eval_sh` with MLP _The instant neural graphics nerf training is more...