Penn Jenks

Results 19 issues of Penn Jenks

- Use [mesh-to-sdf]( for training data

Thanks for the incredibly lucid GPT implementation! I've started rewriting nanoGPT in Jax/Flax as a test-bed to play with the new `jax.experimental.pjit` API. Thought I'd put it here for anyone...

(Awesome work here -- I saw there is already a paper out based on your work: [latent-nerf]( As a sanity check I'm trying generate an image with "differentiable image parameterization"...

### System Info **OS:** Description: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS Release: 20.04 Codename: focal **GPUs:** +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 515.65.01 Driver Version: 515.65.01 CUDA Version: 11.7 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id...

### System Info Ubuntu 20.04 4 A10 NVIDIA GPU's I think checkpoints saved after this feature was merged don't work with text-generation-inference. With falcon models getting "`lm_head` not found"...

Environment: python==3.10 tensorflow==2.10.0 tensorflow_graphics==2021.12.2 (also tried with nightly 2022.9.6) Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS CUDA Version: 11.8 Driver Version: 520.61.05 ``` >>> from tensorflow_graphics.rendering.opengl.rasterization_backend import rasterize 2022-10-27 13:22:59.773129: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow...

Thanks for the great research Seems that diffuse reflectance (a.k.a dot product shading) should work with any number of channels, but I'm wondering what the light color, and ambient light...


Hi I'm interested in getting access to the optimizer states for the final llemma checkpoints. Are these available? - and if not, can they be made public? Thanks for your...

SRTM is a new dataset in [RasterDataSources.jl]( The `SRTM` type needs to be added to [src/sources/rasterdatasources.jl]( to support the following interface: ```julia Raster(SRTM; crs=..., bounds=(...)) ``` ### Details: - `getraster(SRTM,...