Today I also added two Shelly HT to my arsenal. Like @kh2901 I realized that they cannot be used as sensors to report when certain values are registered. I want...
Regarding the MQTT solution. I also did it and it works fine. You need a mqtt broker first, e.g. mosquitto as Docker Container. You can then configure your Shelly plus...
@Tdie88 how do you run homebridge? On a RPi? If so, you could host mqtt there.
@Tdie88 That's what I found regarding installing mqtt on Synology without Docker. Maybe it helps...
I also want to upvote this one, will be very handy once available. Thanks!
Same issue here. Underextrusion also on some surfaces after the swith to 5.x firmware.
Great idea! I was just about creating a new issue for the same use case, but had a different idea how to achieve it: I can only refer to my...
Yes, by not connected I meant that Octoprint is not connected to the printer. The cable is of course connected all the time though.
You could just restart the service via cron on a regular interval like every few hours. That could at least serve as a workaround until it is fixed.