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The minicart is a great way to improve your PayPal shopping cart integration.
I have a simple site that has 2 products. These products are sometimes sold by deal sites and redeemed through our site using a discount code. I have created a...
Hi Sir, evt.preventDefault(); I have the same problem. V2 works fine for Chrome, firefox, IE etc. at But V3 only works for Firefox not Chrome sample at
Hi I cannot get the cookie to save on page refresh or page to page navigation but it will submit data to just fine did i miss anything ?...
Unless I'm misunderstanding this, is it correct that the minicart window, by default, is fixed at 400px across? If this is the case, is it the intention that on a...
When minicart.js is disabled, i.e., just the regular checkout process, the shipping options from my profile are displayed both in the cart and on the checkout page. When it is...
I have a drop down with multiple options, sizes, separated in the hidden form as `option_selectt$n`. I can successfully pass the cost value to PayPal using MiniCart using a hidden...
After the recent update my cart looks a bit weird. I think there are some unwanted css definitions that are interfering now. Is it possible to do a css reset?...
@jeffharrell Im building minicartjs themes and would like to place the cart in a sidebar or checkout page. The "remove item" button only works when an Item is added to...
Although I ran into minicart many years ago, I'm rather new to the updated version and just beginning to learn the api. I'm creating a package for that currently...
For simple theme changes, or complex ones for that matter, you can easily add !important to corresponding minicart ID's and classes in your own CSS to overwrite the existing CSS....