
Results 153 comments of Jed

I just did a pretty hefty rewrite of the source code into TypeScript. Anyone interested in taking this feature further? Been a bit of silence.

@andreiglingeanu I think the issue you are experiencing is related to Perhaps we should do it the other way and remove the `./bin` folder from package.json and restore the...

@andreiglingeanu, aha! See #60. Now that the `package.json` file expects to be published in the `./dist` folder, that's where the `npm link` command needs to be run. Make sense? Or...

@BtM909 I was looking at [`package-json`]( myself, but it looks like [`cosmiconfig`]( has a bit more popularity. Not sure the delta between them. As for other configuration file formats. What...

That would be an excellent addition to EditorConfig. You have my vote!

@johan it shouldn't matter what your `tab_width` setting is, because as long as you stick with tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment, you can have any `tab_width` you want...

@hgraeber I can't think of a con to your suggestion; though, would there be any logical reason for anyone to set `indent_style = smart_tabs` over just `indent_style = tabs`? What...

My point is that there is no good reason for anyone ever to align with tabs, so why would we enable or encourage people to think that's a good idea?...

@hgraeber is correct. It essentially works as `unset`, unsetting any `indent_style` settings defined in any parent directories. A completely new setting would fix that problem and be the most backwards...

@rpanak those are all excellent concerns and questions. 1. There are definitely religious views about whether to use tabs or spaces for indentation. There are actually good arguments on both...