
Results 153 comments of Jed

This setting should be called `ensure_single_final_newline`. Example:

There may be more than one `.editorconfig` file that was merged into the final configuration, so it would have to be a list of files.

This setting would make my job so much less annoying, because our project has `.js` files in `.jsx` syntax and I have to keep hitting `View >> Syntax >> JavaScript...

FWIW, vscode now offers a workspace setting to achieve this goal and it looks like this: ``` jsonc // settings.json { "files.associations": { "*.js": "jsx", "*.css": "postcss" } } ```

Following up on ```jsonc // .vscode/settings.json { "files.associations": { "*.js": "javascriptreact" } } ``` Could be expressed in `.editorconfig` as: ```ini [*.js] language = javascriptreact ``` I think it...

@macro1 are you still around? I realize this is 5 years old, but I'd like to take another look at it. Problem is, I can't clone your branch because GitHub...

@georgthegreat Yes is not a valid answer. He's asking how you propose to match filenames with spaces in them. If you don't have a solution for that, then this issue...

Even worse, how about the space between `{` and `GNU`? I'm also not too keen on this idea. It doesn't really add any value.

You definitely missed something. The original settings are restored when you tab-out or close a tab.