Results 18 issues of Fetullah Atas

Hi, I have trained network with my own data, using yolact_plus , my data only have one type of object, when i run network on webcam, it does detect objects...

I met this error when trtying to ` node index.js -d ../../../data/kitti/ --rosConfig ` ``` internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:324 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module '/home/atas/xviz/node_modules/@xviz/server/dist/es5/index.js'. Please verify that the package.json has...

Hi , I get nice results for GICP, VGICP. However, With Cuda-based methods, it just outputs an identity transform. I have seen, and tried the fix but did not...

HI, I appreciate the code and efforts. when I try to reproduce tutorial result i don't get same result. `./detect_grasps ../cfg/eigen_params.cfg ../tutorials/krylon.pcd` only gives a PCL viewer with point cloud...


Hi , Thank you for providing this tool to us, I would like to use MaskRCNN and train the network with the data I generate from NDDS. MaskRCNN needs the...

is there a Gazebo simulation for Cyberdog ?

I think it’s often that people of robotics use this driver with robot_localization package, IMU messages are accepted for state estimation nodes but in the current form heading is only...


Related original ticket; Add example package `nav2_gps_waypoint_follower_demo` that demonstrates usage of `nav2_gps_waypoint_follower` introduced [here](

Hi, I wonder the reason behind disabling `assests_writer` which is nearly ros agnostic. Eventually we will like to exploit the map created and this helper is very useful. Ops;...

Hi, When I use VGICP as a registration method, after some time it crashes with the error below. ![Screenshot from 2023-05-07 16-31-27]( The `append` method of `AdditiveGaussianVoxel` seems to be...