Jarrett Byrnes

Results 46 issues of Jarrett Byrnes

Any thoughts about adding the Critic Markup spec? It would be invaluable to those of us that collaborate with RMarkdown and use it to teach with (for marking up homework!)...


In a structural equation modeling framework, we often define latent unmeasured variables with indicators. For example ``` library(lavaan) data(PoliticalDemocracy) mod |z|) .x1 0.084 0.020 4.140 0.000 .x2 0.108 0.074 1.455...


See https://github.com/skeate/Leaflet.timeline This would be an incredibly powerful way to visualize spatio-temporal data. Just saw this and thought I'd throw it out as a pie-in-the-sky.

This happens in some models but not others, but I have a repeatable example for 0.5-20: ``` library(semTools) library(lavaan) borModel


For example ``` > anova(penguin_fit, penguin_fit_species, penguin_fit_int) Chi-square Difference Test Df AIC.AIC AIC.K AIC.n Chisq Chisq.diff dots[[1]] 2 7264.774 7 333 159.434 object[[X[[i]]]] 0 7109.340 9 333 0.000 159.434 object[[X[[i]]]]1...


In predict, for pieces that are glms or otherwise, make sure we are getting type = "response" not on the linear scale.


The following ``` library(palmerpenguins) library(piecewiseSEM) size_mod


Consider the keeley data where abiotic is left floating off and away with distance's effect being mediated partially via hetero on rich. ``` keeley_sem_no_abiotic basisSet(keeley_sem_no_abiotic) $`1` [1] "abiotic" "hetero" "distance"...

Love this package. I was working with a beta regression with a cloglog link recently, but cannot get an R2. Here is a reproducible example. Thoughts? ``` library(insight) library(betareg) library(glmmTMB)...

enhancement :boom:

I've been trying to use `DiagrammeR` to put some graphs into a shiny app. While the Graphviz renderers work, just using native DiagrammeR syntax merely produces raw digraph output. So,...

Type: ★ Enhancement
Difficulty: [2] Intermediate
Effort: [2] Medium
Priority: [3] High