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Casewise Residuals Sometimes all 0

Open jebyrnes opened this issue 9 years ago • 4 comments

This happens in some models but not others, but I have a repeatable example for 0.5-20:


borModel <- '
NDVI ~ nTot + T61 + Wet 
nTot ~ T61

borFit <- sem(borModel, data=boreal, meanstructure=T)

> head(residuals(borFit, "casewise"))
     NDVI nTot T61 Wet
[1,]    0    0   0   0
[2,]    0    0   0   0
[3,]    0    0   0   0
[4,]    0    0   0   0
[5,]    0    0   0   0
[6,]    0    0   0   0

This is incorrect - there should be non-zero residuals for NDVI and nTot. This doesn't always happen, though, so I'm not sure what's going on here. FYI, this example worked in 0.5-17 just fine.

jebyrnes avatar Jan 07 '16 05:01 jebyrnes

I am afraid this is not a bug, but a (huge) misunderstanding. The residuals are based on the lavPredict() function, and the main purpose of this function is (and always was) to compute factor scores for the latent variables. Once we have these factor scores, type="ov" computes model-predicted values for the observed indicators of these latent variables; and we can compare these with the observed values; this is the purpose of residuals(, "casewise").

When there are no latent variables, the latent variables 'should' be the same as the observed values, and the residuals will be zero. The 'structural' (eg regression) part of the model is not used, and therefore, the lavPredict() function is useless to 'predict' outcome variables, as in using predict() on a lm() object. Unfortunately, there was a bug in 0.5-17 (also 0.5-18?) (only when there were no latent variables, and when exogenous 'x' covariates were used in the model), and some people got the impression that lavPredict() did predict future values. The 'bug' was simply there because at the time, I did not even consider models without latent variables.

See also:!topic/lavaan/wXU9gLPopjs

So, lavPredict() and resid(,"casewise") in 0.5-20 at least behave as intended, and ignore the structural part of the model. Having said this, it is clear that there is a need for 'prediction-as-in-regression' capabilities. So I will investigate the possibility of doing this, and perhaps add a 'structural = TRUE' argument to the lavPredict() function.

I will leave this issue open, until this is done.

yrosseel avatar Jan 09 '16 10:01 yrosseel

Huh. Did not realize this. Indeed, I think a lot of folk are interested in prediction as in regression predictions. I've figured out some hacky ways to do it (more anon), but predictions are becoming increasingly important - if only to look at residuals to diagnose violations of assumptions. I've been using it to look at spatiotemporal autocorrelation - so, hoping that this gets back on track!

jebyrnes avatar Jan 20 '16 15:01 jebyrnes

Here's some code that can fix the problem. I'll need to figure out how to put it into the package, unless you can do it more quickly. I'll also post it on the google group so others can use it. library(lavaan)

predict_lavaan <- function(fit, newdata = NULL){
  stopifnot(inherits(fit, "lavaan"))
  #Make sure we can use this
  if(!inspect(fit, "meanstructure")) stop("Need to supply meanstructure = TRUE in fit\n")
    newdata <- data.frame(inspect(fit, "data"))
    names(newdata) <- lavNames(fit)
  if(length(lavNames(fit, type="lv"))!=0) stop("Does not currently work with latent variables\n")
  #check for new data
  if(sum(!(lavNames(fit, type="ov.x") %in% names(newdata)))>0) stop("Not all exogenous variables supplied!")
  #Add some new columns to newdata
  newdata$Intercept <- 1
  newdata[lavNames(fit, "ov.nox")] <- 0
  mod_df <- data.frame(lhs = fit@ParTable$lhs,
                       op = fit@ParTable$op,
                       rhs = fit@ParTable$rhs,
                       exo = fit@ParTable$exo,
                       est = fit@ParTable$est,
                       se = fit@ParTable$se,
  #Drop covariances
  mod_df <- mod_df[-which(mod_df$op=="~~"),]
  mod_df[which(mod_df$op=="~1"),]$rhs <- "Intercept"
  #get rid of exogenous on lhs
  mod_df <- mod_df[-which(mod_df$exo==1),]
  #Order by lhs
  mod_df <- mod_df[sort(mod_df$lhs, index.return=TRUE)$ix,]
  #let us know which variables on the rhs are exogenous
  mod_df$ord <- 0
  mod_df[which(!(mod_df$rhs %in% mod_df$lhs)),]$ord <- 1
  #Make a "order"
  ord_current <- 1
    for(r in unique(mod_df$lhs)){
      val <-  sum(mod_df[which(mod_df$lhs==r),]$ord==0)
      if(val==0) {
        mod_df[which(mod_df$lhs==r),]$ord <- ord_current
          mod_df[which(mod_df$rhs==r),]$ord <- ord_current+1
  ord_current <- ord_current +1
  #correct for ragged ordering
  for(r in unique(mod_df$lhs)){
    mod_df[which(mod_df$lhs==r),]$ord <- max(mod_df[which(mod_df$lhs==r),]$ord)
  #sort by order 
  mod_df <- mod_df[sort(mod_df$ord, index.return=TRUE)$ix,]
  #now do the fitting in order
  fit_df <- data.frame(base = rep(1, nrow(newdata)))
  for(r in unique(mod_df$lhs)){
    subdf <- subset(mod_df, mod_df$lhs==r)
    #make a formula
    rhs <- paste0(subdf$rhs, collapse=" + ")
    form <- as.formula(paste0(r, " ~ ", rhs))
    #use formula to get right part of the data in right format
    mod_mat <- model.matrix(form, newdata)[,-1]
    new_val = mod_mat %*% subdf$est
    fit_df[[r]] <- new_val
    newdata[[r]] <- new_val

fitted_lavaan <- function(fit){

residuals_lavaan <- function(fit){
  fitted_vals <- fitted_lavaan(fit)
  rawdata <- data.frame(inspect(fit, "data"))
  names(rawdata) <- lavNames(fit)
  res <- data.frame(base = rep(1, nrow(rawdata)))
  for(vals in names(fitted_vals)){
    res[[vals]] <- rawdata[[vals]] - fitted_vals[[vals]] 

########### EXAMPLE CODE
# iris_mod <- "
# Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length
# Petal.Width ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length
# "
# iris_fit <- sem(iris_mod, data=iris, meanstructure = TRUE)
# fitted_lavaan(iris_fit)
# res <- residuals_lavaan(iris_fit)
# par(mfrow=c(1,2))
# for(i in 1:2) {
#   qqnorm(res[,i], main=names(res)[i])
#   qqline(res[,i])
# }
# par(mfrow=c(1,1))   
# newdata <- data.frame(Sepal.Length=1:10, Petal.Length=11:20)
# pred <- predict_lavaan(iris_fit, newdata=newdata)
# plot(Petal.Width ~ Sepal.Length, data=cbind(newdata, pred))
# library(mvnormtest)
# mshapiro.test(t(res))

jebyrnes avatar Dec 06 '16 19:12 jebyrnes

Dear @jebyrnes,

I tried this formula and I got an error in the section #Make a "order"

 #Make a "order"
  ord_current <- 1
    for(r in unique(mod_df$lhs)){
      val <-  sum(mod_df[which(mod_df$lhs==r),]$ord==0)
      if(val==0) {
        mod_df[which(mod_df$lhs==r),]$ord <- ord_current
          mod_df[which(mod_df$rhs==r),]$ord <- ord_current+1
  ord_current <- ord_current +1

Error in `$<`(`*tmp*`, "ord", value = 3) : 
  replacement has 1 row, data has 0

This is because val does not consider that you can have more than a zero for each lhs, I think. I would try to write an alternative code, but I do not completely get your idea about the order, which I understand that is to write the regression formula. If it helps you this is how mod_df looks like for me until the previous step.

      lhs op       rhs exo           est         se ord
24  CEC.A  ~      OC.A   0  1.375677e-01 0.02712223   0
25  CEC.A  ~    clay.A   0  8.451412e-01 0.02871379   0
85  CEC.A ~1 Intercept   0  5.022858e-07 0.03176033   1
26  CEC.B  ~    clay.B   0  8.192808e-01 0.03126524   0
86  CEC.B ~1 Intercept   0  2.128903e-07 0.04375848   1
27  CEC.C  ~    clay.C   0  7.253906e-01 0.04625144   0
87  CEC.C ~1 Intercept   0 -2.574665e-07 0.05893352   1
4  clay.A  ~    clay.C   0  6.071796e-01 0.06369167   0
5  clay.A  ~     evisd   0  1.497936e-01 0.08548429   1
6  clay.A  ~      lstm   0 -9.024666e-02 0.08517614   1
7  clay.A  ~    ndwi.b   0  1.599675e-01 0.06871731   1
80 clay.A ~1 Intercept   0  4.418204e-16 0.06025266   1
8  clay.B  ~    clay.A   0  3.948407e-01 0.06084509   0
9  clay.B  ~    clay.C   0  4.948342e-01 0.06206997   0
10 clay.B  ~     vdchn   0 -1.150797e-01 0.05308073   1
11 clay.B  ~       twi   0 -2.696901e-02 0.05289084   1
12 clay.B  ~    ndwi.b   0 -3.317706e-02 0.04815650   1
81 clay.B ~1 Intercept   0  1.955362e-16 0.04710777   1
1  clay.C  ~       dem   0  2.045177e-01 0.30687081   1
2  clay.C  ~     vdchn   0 -2.711864e-02 0.07350381   1
3  clay.C  ~         X   0  6.265283e-01 0.30785025   1
79 clay.C ~1 Intercept   0  4.015633e-18 0.07211773   1
13   OC.A  ~    clay.A   0  3.329283e-01 0.07697578   0
14   OC.A  ~     evisd   0 -2.335329e-01 0.10396378   1
15   OC.A  ~      lstm   0 -2.016699e-01 0.10219150   1
16   OC.A  ~    ndwi.b   0 -1.860915e-01 0.08437564   1
82   OC.A ~1 Intercept   0  5.191650e-16 0.07287413   1
17   OC.B  ~      OC.A   0  3.918362e-01 0.06900830   0
18   OC.B  ~    clay.B   0  2.442477e-01 0.06948612   0
19   OC.B  ~     evisd   0 -2.452562e-01 0.14668759   1
20   OC.B  ~      lstm   0  2.803228e-01 0.10015181   1
21   OC.B  ~    ndwi.a   0  1.509365e-01 0.15520116   1
22   OC.B  ~     vdchn   0 -8.339311e-02 0.06815678   1
83   OC.B ~1 Intercept   0 -3.091703e-15 0.06520413   1
23   OC.C  ~      OC.B   0  7.822581e-01 0.04819457   0
84   OC.C ~1 Intercept   0  1.426334e-07 0.04803268   1

angelini75 avatar Jan 20 '17 15:01 angelini75

For out-of-sample predictions (in the regression sense), we now (0.6-13) have the lavPredictY() function.

yrosseel avatar Feb 07 '23 17:02 yrosseel


does lavPredictY() functions with binary outcomes (i.e., ordered = c("y-variable")) I am not able to use the function to calculate predicted probabilities as i would do with probit or logit models using the R base predict() function.

albertostefanelli avatar Feb 21 '23 11:02 albertostefanelli