Jon Dufresne

Results 79 issues of Jon Dufresne

In HTML5, elements default to MIME type text/javascript. The HTML5 living standard and MDN recommend against including the attribute. From > The HTML5 specification urges authors to omit the...

Python 3.7 was released on June 27, 2018. Python 3.8 was released on October 14th, 2019.

Python 3.4 has been EOL since 2019-03-18. Removing from the test matrix helps reduce testing resources.

The following version of Python are EOL. They are no longer receiving bug fixes including for security issues. The following table at the following link shows branch status with dates:...

Tested on flake8-pie-0.4.2 **** ```py v = 3.14159 print(f"{v:0.2f}") ``` ``` $ python3 3.14 $ flake8 --select PIE782 PIE782: Unnecessary f-string. You can safely remove the `f`...


For example: Redirects to:

input: ```py from textwrap import dedent def f(): arg = "text" return dedent( """\ some {} lorem ipsum """.format(arg) ) ``` expected: ```py from textwrap import dedent def f(): arg...

help wanted