Jon Dufresne

Results 54 comments of Jon Dufresne

Since this PR was first opened, Python 3.8 has also been released. That has also now been added to the support matrix as well. Adding support for Python 3.8 required...

Rebased to resolve conflicts.

I think this can be closed. Looks it this was done in 5f249677242be96601e034edb3697b7482a6abcf (Jul 2)

I recently hit this same issue: Using the test script: ``` $my_text = '**foo & bar**'; $parser = new \Michelf\Markdown(); $parser->no_markup = true; $parser->no_entities = true; $my_html = $parser->transform($my_text); echo...

> My understanding was that `python install` would somehow arrange for this to be invoked as a module by the correct python interpreter. @jdufresne do you have an opinion...

The shebang is added by setuptools, there is no need to hardcode it. Setuptools handles Python running from any environment, be it system, virtualenv, or an unusual custom installation.

> It creates its own launcher scripts Correct. Please use the setuptools CLI entry point or `python -m gitimerge` to run the program after installation.

I'm experiencing the same issue. `mysql` CLI authenticates, `mysqldump` authenticates, but pgloader results in "Access denied". The logs don't reveal anything interesting: ``` 2021-10-21T01:21:02.657532Z 63641 [Note] Access denied for user...

After spending some more time on this, it looks like pgloader fails for users with `REQUIRE SSL` as described in the MySQL docs: Some of my DBs had this,...

> To keep it in pair with LOWER it will probably need upper method in Arel::Attributes::Attribute class as well to be able to use it similar to User.arel_table[:id].lower. Thanks! I...