
Results 11 comments of Kataross

Hi and thanks for the feedback ! I was focus on the native side and not on the client. I dig up the code and indeed we could use a...

Same issue here. Firebase seems to create the user directly on android only and then it's impossible to link to the current user. It even switch the context of the...

I'va made several tests and the issue is the current user is not logged from the native side, firebase will then create a new user and it will fail to...

In fact the issue is quite simple. On android the signIn function return validationCode and thus a new user is created (so there is no way to link to the...

Did you find a way to catch datas ? They do use firebase : https://com-ridedott-eu.firebaseio.com, couldn't find any infos on the database reference

The tractoken doesn't seems to work. Which token did you use?

I'm trying to get info in Europe (ie Paris)

http://www.bolt.miami:8082/api/devices?token= with the tractoken found in configuration url (nyanonymousanonymous) giving me a 401. What do you use ?

Here is a working solution. First create a session with endpoint : https://www.bolt.miami/gps/api/session/register?geoId=53&token=nyanonymousanonymous&appVersion=b You can change token et geoid (53 is for paris) You will receive a jsessionid cookie to...