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Add Dott
Site: https://ridedott.com Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ridedott.rider iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1440301673
Looks like its built on Google Firebase
I don't think it uses HTTP, i couldn't catch anything resembling an API call :(
As you said it looks like it has Firebase, so maybe it uses GCM or their realtime DB
Did you find a way to catch datas ? They do use firebase : https://com-ridedott-eu.firebaseio.com, couldn't find any infos on the database reference
So we have requests to
geomobileservices-pa.googleapis.com/google.internal.maps.geomobileservices.geocoding.v3mobile.geocodingservice/ReverseGeocode to get an adress.
Then there is a request to
with a google-cloud-resource-prefix of
Which gives back a content type application/grpc file (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRPC)
According to the strings there this is what we want. "identification code" "energysourcelevel" "geohash" "startride" "isdesignatedparking"
well, rather obvios what they want here
send the current version of the tos
{ "data": { "privacyPolicyVersion": 20191212, "termsAndConditionsVersion": 20191212 } }
The request that contains this is strange but so far i haven't been able to convince gsutil to get me the real data. Firestore_Listen.txt
Sample_from_wire.txt This needs some converting so you can actual read something