
Results 7 comments of john

never knew this existed, thank you so much

@Jose2595 you need to codesign all the extensions and the main project in xcode. xcode handles this automatically for you. click on the parent project folders, go to "general" and...

@Jose2595 no problem :+1: see, the trick here is to keep building, and keep working through the errors. with provisioning errors, it generally tells you the exact folder that you...

The python script should be working, and I don't think I'll be able to reproduce; however, I can debug the java program. Let me try to get it fixed. I...

Sorry for the late reply, I will find a solution to this right now. Thanks for checking out my repo!

Are you using the python script, or the java version?

@aikhan @rynop just change swift version to 4.0 in both Alamofire and Rocket Rides targets (under build settings I think). It will at least build. There are other issues you...