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GIOVANNI copied to clipboard

Compilation Error

Open JamesCookies opened this issue 7 years ago • 27 comments

I just tried to compile to project and here's the issues I'm getting :

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/Manil/Downloads/GIOVANNI-master/gambatte/libgambatte/src/statesaver.cpp' clang: error: no input files

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/Manil/Downloads/GIOVANNI-master/gambatte/common/videolink/vfilters/maxsthq3x.cpp' clang: error: no input files

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/Manil/Downloads/GIOVANNI-master/gambatte/libgambatte/src/sound/channel3.cpp' clang: error: no input files

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/Manil/Downloads/GIOVANNI-master/gambatte/libgambatte/src/interrupter.cpp' clang: error: no input files

Is there any way to fix it ? I'd like to help the developing btw ;)

JamesCookies avatar Mar 21 '17 08:03 JamesCookies

It sounds like those files don't exist on disk. Did you clone submodules?

gabrieloc avatar Mar 21 '17 09:03 gabrieloc

I got the same error when I tried to download it the first time. You probably downloaded it as a zip, or forgot the "--recursive" in "git clone --recursive [email protected]:gabrieloc/GIOVANNI.git" thus didn't download the submodules :)

AndreasJJ avatar Mar 21 '17 10:03 AndreasJJ

Cloning into 'GIOVANNI'... Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

AceXintense avatar Mar 21 '17 17:03 AceXintense

This does not allow me to clone it in this way :( I cannot fetch the submodules is there a ssh key I need to get this data?

AceXintense avatar Mar 21 '17 17:03 AceXintense

i become error with signing

  • Failed to create provisioning profile. The app ID "com.gabrieloc.giovanni.watchkitapp.watchkitextension"
  • No profiles for "com.gabrieloc.giovanni.watchkitapp.watchkitextension" were found
  • Code signing is required for product type "WatchKit Extension" in SDK "WatchOS 3.1"

Change your bundle identifier to unique string to try again. Can somebody help me?

61Halim avatar Mar 21 '17 18:03 61Halim

I have the same errors as "61Halim". Please help us. Thanks

Jose2595 avatar Mar 21 '17 23:03 Jose2595

capture d ecran 2017-03-22 a 13 40 06 capture d ecran 2017-03-22 a 13 40 16 capture d ecran 2017-03-22 a 13 40 13

See ? Even if I add Gambatte manually, it just won't compile even if every thing is set up to. That's just too weird :'(

JamesCookies avatar Mar 22 '17 12:03 JamesCookies

@JamesCookies Are all the files red in Xcode? How are you adding Gambatte manually?

gabrieloc avatar Mar 22 '17 14:03 gabrieloc

@gabrieloc How come I do not have permission to git clone --recursively with the use of my public key?

AceXintense avatar Mar 23 '17 13:03 AceXintense

Have you added your ssh key to github? If that doesn't answer your question, please create a separate issue as to not clutter this one.

gabrieloc avatar Mar 23 '17 15:03 gabrieloc

Please @gabrieloc help me with my problem. It's the same that @61Halim. Thanks

Jose2595 avatar Mar 23 '17 15:03 Jose2595

@Jose2595 @61Halim Are you able to build after following this tutorial? If not, what issues are you having specifically?

gabrieloc avatar Mar 23 '17 15:03 gabrieloc

@gabrieloc When I do the whole process and I clone the file and connect the iPhone, I get these three errors:

  • Failed to create provisioning profile. The app ID "com.gabrieloc.giovanni.watchkitapp.watchkitextension"

  • No profiles for "com.gabrieloc.giovanni.watchkitapp.watchkitextension" were found

  • Code signing is required for product type "WatchKit Extension" in SDK "WatchOS 3.1

Jose2595 avatar Mar 23 '17 16:03 Jose2595

Try changing the bundle ID for all three targets (iOS, watchOS, watchOS extension) to something unique.

gabrieloc avatar Mar 23 '17 16:03 gabrieloc

@gabrieloc Okey! And the problem with:

  • Code signing is required for product type "WatchKit Extension" in SDK "WatchOS 3.1

Jose2595 avatar Mar 23 '17 18:03 Jose2595

@Jose2595 you need to codesign all the extensions and the main project in xcode. xcode handles this automatically for you. click on the parent project folders, go to "general" and scroll down to "Signing" (should be the second thing), you'll see "team", "provisioning profile", and "signing certificate". from "team" menu, select your personal or agent team or whatever you have, and xcode will automatically codesign it for ya

jdleo avatar Mar 23 '17 19:03 jdleo

@jdleo Okey! Thank you.

Jose2595 avatar Mar 23 '17 19:03 Jose2595

@Jose2595 no problem :+1: see, the trick here is to keep building, and keep working through the errors. with provisioning errors, it generally tells you the exact folder that you have to codesign. So just go find that parent folder, and rinse and repeat the solution I told you :) Just keep selecting YOUR profile as the team and they will codesign it

jdleo avatar Mar 23 '17 19:03 jdleo

Is this issue resolved?

gabrieloc avatar Mar 24 '17 08:03 gabrieloc

@gabrieloc because Gambatte isn't in the project (that's maybe a huge part of the issue) I've downloaded it separately and added it manually in the XcodeProj, so basically everything appears to be there, all the files are present but whenever I compile the project, it shows the errors I showed you up :/

JamesCookies avatar Mar 25 '17 11:03 JamesCookies

@jamescookies can you confirm you cloned submodules

gabrieloc avatar Mar 25 '17 16:03 gabrieloc

@JamesCookies You need to generate a ssh key and link it to your github account in order to properly clone into this project. Github provides documentation on this process:

After adding the key try cloning again. If done correctly, it should ask you for the passphrase you used during the generation of the key.

Once it has cloned, launch the new .xcodeproj file and sign all of the targets (including the watchkit extension), plug in a device that's paired with your watch, and have fun! Hope this helps.

KnightArtorias avatar Mar 26 '17 00:03 KnightArtorias

I have this issues schermata 2017-03-26 alle 20 16 51 schermata 2017-03-26 alle 20 16 32 how can i fix it?

Tonybest11 avatar Mar 26 '17 18:03 Tonybest11

@Tonybest11 This project contains several different targets that require signing. You've only signed the iOS application, but the watch app and the WatchKit extension need signed as well.

To do so, select the project file and go to the general tab. In the top left of that window is giovanni_iOS followed by an up and down arrow. Select that to switch between the targets in the project and sign them the same way you signed the iOS target (which it appears you've done correctly).

If you have any further issues let me know. Cheers!

KnightArtorias avatar Mar 26 '17 18:03 KnightArtorias

Thank you!!

Tonybest11 avatar Mar 26 '17 20:03 Tonybest11

I had to change the bundle identifier on several things, as well as a "WKCompanionAppBundleIdentifier" before it would compile (tl;dr you have to sign it yourself)

CCF100 avatar Feb 26 '18 19:02 CCF100

Aside from what @CCF100 said, I also had to update NSExtension > NSExtensionAttributes > WKAppBundleIdentifier in the WatchKit Extension's Info.plist

PascalPixel avatar Dec 07 '18 05:12 PascalPixel