Jinho D. Choi

Results 7 issues of Jinho D. Choi

When I tried to install pyfasttext using Python 3.6 on mac and I got a long error message; the followings show the last part of the message: ``` #defining NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API...


For the example code provided by https://mxnet.incubator.apache.org/tutorials/nlp/cnn.html ``` # create convolution + (max) pooling layer for each filter operation filter_list=[3, 4, 5] # the size of filters to use print...

# Code - [x] Update `requirements.txt`, `requirements.dev.txt`, and `setup.py`. - [ ] Replace `CHANGELOG.md` with Github's release notes. - [ ] Updated the installation documentation for environmental setup. - [x]...


* Put `elit/lemmatization` and `elit/token_tagger` under `elit/nlp`. * Create `elit/model.py`, move the classes in `model/cnn_model.py` and `model/rnn_model.py` to `elit/model.py`, and remove `elit/model`. * Remove `elit/state.py` (we no longer use it?)...


Change the color of the side menu where the ELIT logo is to the color of ELIT's font in Sphinx.


Add the GloVe wrapper of VectorSpaceModel to https://github.com/elitcloud/elit/blob/develop/elit/lexicon.py.