Jinho D. Choi
Jinho D. Choi
Sorry for the late reply; it's not the matter of difficulty as SRL used to be a part of ClearNLP, the predecessor of NLP4J. There are two things going on...
Thanks for the work; I'm trying to think if it is worth at all to have these projects separated at this point. They share the same package naming so it's...
Yes, that was the concern, but now we have modulated the code much better, I think it should be ok (NLP4J, previously called ClearNLP, even before called ClearParser, has evolved...
I just merged to PR. I'm going to take a look and see if there are changes needed now. Will get back to you soon.
I updated the pom.xml of submodules, removing the versions for the submodules. If I remember right, this would adapt the parent's version, but please let me know if this should...
I just moved the tokenization package to edu/emory/mathcs/nlp/component/tokenizer/ . I'll be testing each module this afternoon.
Haha yes, also, how about calling the "commands" project as "cmd" or "cli"? I should check what people usually call this kind of project.
I like 'cli' as well, let me see if i can make this change.
That's a great idea; i've been doing that manually but maven plugin should help.
Richard, It's because we were in the middle of fixing the code. I temporarily made a separate project to provide the conversion script so please take a look: http://github.com/emorynlp/ddr Please...