Jinho D. Choi
Jinho D. Choi
Thanks for the comment; could you please give an example of where that you think needs to be fixed using InputStreamReader? We'll do the evaluation and apply the update. Thanks.
@archanatikayatray19 sorry for the late reply. The NLP4J has moved onto a bigger project called ELIT: https://github.com/emorynlp/elit ELIT is completely deep learning-based and we believe it is faster and more...
Brown cluster is relatively easy; you can use any available tool to generate the brown clusters and use the following script to convert into the NLP4J format: https://github.com/emorynlp/nlp4j/blob/master/cli/src/main/java/edu/emory/mathcs/nlp/bin/BrownClusterExtract.java Ambiguity class...
Sorry for the late reply. The sample files would not train any good model since they are tiny. You should get the OntoNotes data from LDC and use the entire...
OntoNotes does not come with the format that you need. I actually made the conversion script available so please take a look at this page: https://github.com/emorynlp/ddr/blob/master/md/conversion.md#merge Please let me know...
Are you trying to decode or train? These errors are coming from the decoder. If you are trying to decode, could you send me your configuration file, input file, and...
The sample file is there only for demo and is too small to be used for training. You should feed in your own data to train NER; you can obtain...
If you want to just run the pos tagger, you can just turn off to load the other models. Please try with this configuration and let me know if it...
NLP4J currently doesn't support n-best results; we removed that feature since it was slowing down the parser much. We are looking into put this feature back at some point (probably...
Could you make sure if you specified the word form field correctly in the configuration file? What is the format of your input data?