Joseph Daigle
Joseph Daigle
Comment to keep this open. I'm excited and eager to see this changed merged and released.
@NickCraver any change you could post the raw schema somewhere (i.e. a gist or whatever)? We're curious about exactly what data you persist, and when/how it gets aggregated. We're not...
This doesn't really sound like a problem with CsvHelper. Instead, your conclusion about EF6 ChangeTracking is exactly the problem: Entity Framework, by default, keeps track of every entity read from...
@DavidBoike how open are you to community contributions for building something that could allow a user to convert `Amazon.SQS.Model.Message` to `NServiceBus.Transport.SQS.TransportMessage`? I'm working on a project to migrate from a...
I think this is worth it:
@mauroservienti The simplest scenario is where the default timeout of the queue isn’t sufficient (e.g. too low) and for whatever reason can’t be changed. I can also imagine using this...
@ihilt thanks for the feedback - I guess I have to be careful now with breaking changes since there are people actually using this tool. :) A lot of what...
Thanks @mreishus! If you create a pull request, I'll be happy to merge it in. p.s. I'm excited that someone else has found this tool useful and/or inspirational.