xbanish icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
xbanish copied to clipboard

Hide the mouse cursor when typing and show it again when the mouse moves

Results 12 xbanish issues
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based on https://github.com/jcs/xbanish/pull/25/ but with fixed indentation works perfectly on my gpd win max

_Originally posted by @jsarasin in https://github.com/jcs/xbanish/issues/47#issuecomment-623181979_ =================================================== You'll likely need a few packages first: ```bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install build-essential git-all ```You'll likely need a few packages first:...

Using GNOME 3 on Debian 11. When switching to another workspace using keyboard shortcut (e.g., ctrl-alt-down), the mouse cursor appears and will no longer be hidden by xbanish until it...

I run the command as `xbanish -i mod1 -i mod4 -m ne -d` and the tool logs that it is moving the cursor, but it only hides the cursor. Anything...

If I use `-i mod2` it doesn't work at all. Using Dell XPS13 9300 with Manjaro. Latest version from AUR. I also started it as a systemd service [as seen...

When I add another monitor or remove a monitor from my screen configuration (with `--output --auto` or `--output --off`), xbanish doesn't appear to hide the mouse cursor anymore. I'm interested...

When cursor gets banished to corners, the first mouse button event that brings the cursor back gets lost. Perhaps we need to grab buttons and resend the button events after...

I was seeing a lot of cursor flicker when panning in software like krita or blender where you have to hold a key down while moving the mouse. This fixes...