endless icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
endless copied to clipboard

iOS web browser with a focus on security and privacy

Results 9 endless issues
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When I want a new tab I just make one and don't think about the tabs I have already. I like to occasionally go through all my tabs and close...


https://github.com/disconnectme/disconnect-tracking-protection Looking at the JSON, it doesn't seem too hard to add the filter lists to Endless, but the size of them may cause problems and slow things down. It...


https://imgtc.com/a/9LO45PT I’m honestly not sure how to replicate this. I’ve been getting this since iOS 11.3. Resetting settings fixes it for a while, but the icons disappear after some time....

Would be awesome to have a setting to always open links in a new tab in the background. I’m willing to pay a bounty for this :)


I love it. It’s light and simple. It’s just missing alpha numeric passcode / Touch ID access and content shielding when minimised into the background, then it will be perfect....


`injected.js` [only gets injected](https://github.com/jcs/endless/blob/fe568397d130c474a08164352cdc809e03b36278/Endless/URLInterceptor.m#L567) in the top-level page, not in iframes. This means that the functionality it provides is not available inside iframes. So, these are missing (at least): -...

## Steps to reproduce Open the bookmarks from the web view menu controller and trigger the presentation of an alert view controller by either touching the "+" button or by...


It would be nice if there was a button to quickly clear everything in the UI. The quick work-around is to enable "Clear all when backgrounded" or do a manual...
