Julius Busecke

Results 211 issues of Julius Busecke

Over the past year or so over at LEAP we have been iterating on what I would call our community bakery. We maintain recipes/feedstocks and run them on our own...


I am trying to use the Pangeo binder for a [Ocean Science Meeting Tutorial](https://github.com/jbusecke/tutorial_osm22_cmip6). Following @rabernat s recommendation I first tried to use nbgitpuller like such: Giving me this [link](https://aws-uswest2-binder.pangeo.io/v2/gh/pangeo-data/pangeo-docker-images/2022.02.04?urlpath=git-pull%3Frepo%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fgithub.com%252Fjbusecke%252Ftutorial_osm22_cmip6%26urlpath%3Dlab%252Ftree%252Ftutorial_osm22_cmip6%252Fgetting_started.ipynb%26branch%3Dmain),...

Just listening to @nocollier at the ESGF meeting and loving all the work on intake-esgf. There is some overlap between tools in particular the [postprocessing module](https://cmip6-preprocessing.readthedocs.io/en/latest/postprocessing.html). I would love to...

xarrayutils is currently [breaking our tests](https://github.com/jbusecke/xMIP/actions/runs/8689710303) due to [this](https://github.com/jbusecke/xarrayutils/pull/171). Additionally to fixing the issue over there, I want to get rid of that dependency. I will need to spend some...

First of all THANK YOU so much for this effort! Having ERA5 data available in an ARCO format is truly a game changer! I noticed a small issue: The latitudes...

I am exploring to use esgf-pyclient to get a list of all retracted CMIP6 datasets (for our automated maintenance of [Pangeo CMIP6 cloud data](https://github.com/pangeo-data/pangeo-cmip6-cloud). I am trying the following: ```python...

A draft implementation of #43 Happy to change the actual formatting to whatever seems most appropriate. cc @dhruvbalwada

### Proposed change I am proposing to make the [command line prompt](https://github.com/jupyterhub/gh-scoped-creds/blob/25a0a5d1b3ec404f631bc7b04b7ba3c3d44e42fd/gh_scoped_creds/__init__.py#L121) to configure the app more prominent. I had some LEAP users struggling with authenticating, because they missed this...


Our group wants to use [pyvista](https://docs.pyvista.org) for some 3D visualizations on the pangeo google cloud but we are running into some dependency issues. I tried to install pyvista using mamba...

The staging environment is now already two xarray versions behind (`v0.17.0` vs `v0.19.0` released). This was causing a bunch of issues for users who want to utilize the new xarray...