Jimmy Breck-McKye

Results 16 comments of Jimmy Breck-McKye

For anyone just coming across this, simply import the necessary locales along with the library: ```javascript var numeral = require("numeral"); require('numeral/locales/en-gb'); ```

@linkb15 I don't think this repository is under active maintenance. Instead, consider using https://github.com/BenjaminVanRyseghem/numbro, which is a fork under active development. I don't know if the locales are fixed though!

It's pretty late in the evening here, way past midnight. This is a very dense report which covers quite a few things. Let me first clarify what the actual problem...

Seems okay for me (e.g. https://www.breck-mckye.com/archives/) - do you have an example?

The sidebar should probably be fixed at some point, but it hasn't been a big enough issue for me to ever do so. I don't mind PRs though.

Canti is still active on GH, but most of his recent work is on fp-ts. I don't think this module is stagnant so much as there aren't many features missing,...

Does this look right? ```typescript /// declare module 'watchr' { import {Stats, FSWatcher} from 'fs'; import {EventEmitter} from 'events'; export type ChangeType = 'update' | 'create' | 'delete'; export type...

This is a necessity for most monorepo builds

Without being able to do it via the checkout action, here's a workaround in GHA ```yaml - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Checkout PR changes run: | # Un-shallow...

@polarathene What I was actually after was that `BRANCH_POINT` ref. The reason being, I'm using Yarn workspace tools, which take the reference to figure out which things need to be...