watchr copied to clipboard
typescript types
Create Typescript type definitions
- So that I can do
npm i @types/watchr
I believe there is some flow type information, can you please re-purpose that for typescript so one can get intellisense.
Note: If you can guide me on how to do that, I might be able to pull it off as well
Following are the types I found in the package sources. Can anyone help me how do I create typescript defs from this and then how do I submit that definitelyTyped or elsewhere or so that the purpose of this issue is fulfilled?
/* ::
import type {Stats, FSWatcher} from 'fs'
type StateEnum = "pending" | "active" | "deleted" | "closed"
type MethodEnum = "watch" | "watchFile"
type ErrorCallback = (error: ?Error) => void
type StatCallback = (error: ?Error, stat?: Stats) => void
type WatchChildOpts = {
fullPath: string,
relativePath: string,
stat?: Stats
type WatchSelfOpts = {
errors?: Array<Error>,
preferredMethods?: Array<MethodEnum>
type ListenerOpts = {
method: MethodEnum,
args: Array<any>
type ResetOpts = {
reset?: boolean
type IgnoreOpts = {
ignorePaths?: boolean,
ignoreHiddenFiles?: boolean,
ignoreCommonPatterns?: boolean,
ignoreCustomPatterns?: RegExp
type WatcherOpts = IgnoreOpts & {
stat?: Stats,
interval?: number,
persistent?: boolean,
catchupDelay?: number,
preferredMethods?: Array<MethodEnum>,
followLinks?: boolean
type WatcherConfig = {
stat: ?Stats,
interval: number,
persistent: boolean,
catchupDelay: number,
preferredMethods: Array<MethodEnum>,
followLinks: boolean,
ignorePaths: false | Array<string>,
ignoreHiddenFiles: boolean,
ignoreCommonPatterns: boolean,
ignoreCustomPatterns: ?RegExp
I wouldn’t know, as I don’t use typescript
Ok. If anyone wants to tackle this, it would be via the movement from the flowtype comments to the typescript jsdoc comments.
Did the migration for earlier this week:
Does this look right?
/// <reference types="node" />
declare module 'watchr' {
import {Stats, FSWatcher} from 'fs';
import {EventEmitter} from 'events';
export type ChangeType = 'update' | 'create' | 'delete';
export type State = 'pending' | 'active' | 'deleted' | 'closed';
export type Method = 'watch' | 'watchFile';
export type ErrorCallback = (error?: Error) => void;
export type StatCallback = (error?: Error, stat?: Stats) => void;
export type ChangeListener = (changeType: ChangeType, fullPath: string, currentStat: Stats, prevStat: Stats) => void;
export interface ResetOpts {
reset?: boolean
export interface IgnoreOpts {
ignorePaths?: boolean,
ignoreHiddenFiles?: boolean,
ignoreCommonPatterns?: boolean,
ignoreCustomPatterns?: RegExp
export type WatcherOpts = IgnoreOpts & {
stat?: Stats,
interval?: number,
persistent?: boolean,
catchupDelay?: number,
preferredMethods?: Method[],
followLinks?: boolean
export interface WatcherConfig {
stat?: Stats,
interval: number,
persistent: boolean,
catchupDelay: number,
preferredMethods: Method[],
followLinks: boolean,
ignorePaths: false | Array<string>,
ignoreHiddenFiles: boolean,
ignoreCommonPatterns: boolean,
ignoreCustomPatterns?: RegExp
export class Stalker extends EventEmitter {
watcher: Watcher;
watchers: {[key: string]: Watcher};
close(reason: string): Stalker;
setConfig(...args: any[]): Stalker;
watch(...args: any[]): Stalker;
export class Watcher extends EventEmitter {
stalkers: Stalker[];
path: string;
stat: Stats;
fswatcher: FSWatcher;
children: {[key: string]: Stalker};
state: State;
listenerTaskGroup: any;
listenerTimeout: number;
config: WatcherConfig;
setConfig(opts: WatcherOpts): Watcher;
log(...args: any[]): Watcher;
getStat(opts: ResetOpts, next: StatCallback): Watcher;
close(reason?: string): Watcher;
watch(next: Function): Watcher;
watch(opts: ResetOpts, next: Function): Watcher;
export function open(path: string, changeListener: ChangeListener, next: ErrorCallback): Stalker;
export function create(...args: any[]): Stalker;
I'm not sure all the event properties are available on every event. I think old and new stats are dependent on the event type. So a generic may be needed or multiple function signatures.
I am planning to move all edited projects to typescript. If I setup this project with our typescript conventions, will anyone here want to finalise the conversion?
If so, I'll get the foundations done on a new branch and hand it over for forking.
Details on our conversion plan is found here:
To convert this project to TypeScript:
- clone watchr
- create a
branch - run on it, changing the language from
- perform the manual conversion, fix all typescript errors
- run boundation again
- send a PR
I'll be picking this up soon, if anyone wants to help out.
I've updated the downstream packages of watchr, and will be tackling watchr next. Will be converting watchr to typescript.
mostly done, need to sort out
WIP on dev branch, need to close first