Chema Balsas

Results 15 issues of Chema Balsas

Currently r2 doesn't address icon fonts such as [FontAwesome]( Since this seems quite a specific, it doesn't exactly meet the requirements to land this in the core of r2. It's...

Currently, we support only a few templates, and they keep growing as we keep adding new features. In addition, because of our lack of support, we are copy/pasting markup in...


## Feature request summary The `` component should allow receiving arbitrary content as `children` ## Rationale In some cases, we might want to add some additional content to a ``...

Feature request

Lerna is currently shipping a `3.x.x` version with new features and better control for repos and changes. We should update our usage here as soon as we can :)

Currently, `metal-incremental-dom` depends on [`incremental-dom-string`]( from [`metal-plugins`]( This creates a circular dependency tree between core and plugins. As a dependency of core, it would be much easier to bring it...

Our current [Updates]( page is not currently up-to-date and is missing some information regarding our latest releases.


> When you change the size of a table using the Alloy Editor, responsive breaks. Would be possible to change size using relative sizes instead of absolute sizes in pixels?...

feature request

A recent concern has been brought out to our attention that for Accessibility concerns and audits, a common requirement is that all used CSS should be valid. One available tool...

comp: clay-css

First brought to our attention with [Date picker calendar position fixed on the right end of the page when using dir="rtl" in the liferay-portal]( and [@clayui/css Date Picker RTL icons...


Right now, the `api` module needs a public repo in GitHub. It would be nice to be able to use local folders or private repos