Dan Miller
Dan Miller
We're experiencing this when running `+playwright-update-snapshots` in [this Earthfile](https://github.com/replayio/devtools/blob/eb7b278ab776d28c3462bd1cad387c6b8e8be553/packages/bvaughn-architecture-demo/playwright/Earthfile)
I have an EC2 user data script that looks like this (Pulumi code for reference): ```typescript const windowsUserData = ` Start-Transcript -Path "C:\\UserData.log" -Append Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol...
This ended up being because my kubernetes labels were invalid (they contained a ., and I elided them above because they contained sensitive data). The error message is really confusing...
Yeah that's totally fair, I'll stew on it for a bit and see if I can come up with anything.
Oh sorry: Mac OS 10.12.6
Here's a replay of the issue, for what it's worth https://app.replay.io/recording/jest-shards-can-sometimes-have-0-tests-in-them--03c102a9-23de-4dff-9703-33c21e3103bc?point=649037107455789718243409532026952&time=1478.2236363636364&hasFrames=true
I think this should be an error, for now. Since there's no way to know what Tilt will retag your image as, there's no way you could push it manually....
Totally hear you on being able to do interactive things with Tilt `local`s. In the meantime can you run `ssh-agent` so that it caches the passphrase? More info [here](https://superuser.com/questions/988185/how-to-avoid-being-asked-enter-passphrase-for-key-when-im-doing-ssh-operatio)
Many usages of `FSEventStreamStart` on GitHub seem to just pass an array of one thing, including https://github.com/rjeczalik/notify and https://github.com/strongloop/fsevents. This makes me think that this isn't supported by FSEvents at...
Hmm, this looks like a "known" issue? https://facebook.github.io/watchman/docs/troubleshooting.html#fseventstreamstart-register_with_server-error-f2d_register_rpc--null--21