Jorge Zamora

Results 8 issues of Jorge Zamora

Hello OpenGene team, is there a way to know from the fastp logs how many reads were polyG trimmed? Many thanks! Jorge

Hey OpenGene team, I am using fastp to trim polyG in NextSeq reads. That is the only filtering I am interested at this point. I am wondering if with these...

Hello, I was wondering wether it is possible to annotate translocations with svtyper. In the header of the svtyper vcf output I see these types of SVs ##ALT= ##ALT= ##ALT=...

Hello Matthew, I see in the join demo that you pass a range object to SparkContext.parallelize In the Spark documentation it says that SparkContext.parallelize takes an iterable or a...

Hello Yunfei, This is probably an ART question rather than varsim but I have noticed that if you generate an error free sam by passing --art_options="--errfree" to varsim the generated...

Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to control how many clipped reads are simulated via Varsim (or Art). Many thanks Jorge

Hello sim3C developers, This is not an issue. I would to know if sim3C can take pairs of genomic coordinates for which quimeric reads are also simulated. Many thanks Jorge


Hi, Did you use any particular tool to annotate the images. I would like to use the same one. Thanks so much Jorge