We need to document and find Scorpio parameters that can be auto tuned in Scorpio. The list below is a collection of settings that needs to be investigated in this...
Cleanup the pio_swapm routine, * Use collective based on whether collective option is chosen in the flow control option (rather than the number of maximum pending requests) * Use the...
Reading and writing ERA5 ([ERA5 hourly dataset](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=form)) data requires short types. This issue is a reminder to add pio_short and pio_byte Fortran types. See NCAR PIO PR 1653 that adds...
Add tests that measure change in I/O throughput in Scorpio. E3SM has tests that compare the model throughput with a baseline. We need to have similar tests in Scorpio. For...
PIO2 no longer sets some hints for PnetCDF + Lustre that were used in PIO1. For example PIO2 no longer disables romio optimizations (due to high file locking costs in...
CMake allows three scopes for the compiler flags, - PUBLIC - PRIVATE - INTERFACE Most of the compiler flags have been added in CMakeLists.txt as PUBLIC. This issue is a...
The current C testing framework is not scalable and does not use a general testing framework like the Fortran tests. - Add a generic testing framework for C tests -...
Since more users are starting to use the Scorpio interfaces we need to port the Fortran functional tests, in tests/general/*, to C/C++ .
Some Scorpio C interfaces accept NetCDF types. Add overloads that accept/use NetCDF-agnostic types instead. e.g. ``` int PIOc_inq_atttype(int ncid, int varid, const char *name, nc_type *xtypep) ```
We need to investigate if we can remove dependencies for NetCDF fortran 90 modules and use the NetCDF fortran 77 headers instead. Fortran 90 modules need to built with the...