While testing different PE layouts on maint-2.0 (PR #5037) we found that the ELM+FATES tests are not BFB on Anvil with the Intel compiler. The following tests are non-BFB on...
SCORPIO v1.6.3 includes the following fixes, * Fix for build issues with the Intel compiler on Perlmutter * Fix for issues writing/reading ADIOS string attributes * Misc bug fixes
Upgrading to SCORPIO v1.6.3 and adding support for the new rearranger, PIO_REARR_ANY. SCORPIO v1.6.3 includes the following enhancements/fixes, * Support for standalone EAMXX/SCREAM builds * A new rearranger, PIO_REARR_ANY *...
Moving all C source files to C++. This change should allow us add more C++ code/features without explicit C interfaces (internal).
-- DRAFT -- **ADIOS I/O TYPE LIMITATIONS** **SCORPIO** * Reading/writing with different I/O decompositions does not work * Reading/writing with different number of MPI processes does not work * Open...
Investigate and document the performance of PIO inquire functions. If these functions are costly, consider caching information (where possible) to reduce the cost of these functions. Note that even though...
Make sure that we can build ESMF with SCORPIO (as the I/O library). This change might include adding some missing interfaces (available in PIO) in SCORPIO.
Add missing interfaces corresponding to NetCDF4 compression-related APIs, - NetCDF4 filter support : nc_*_filter() - Quantization support for variables : nc_*_quantize() - Setting szip compression settings for variables : nc_*_szip()
These are suggested features for the asynchronous I/O support in the library. @ambrad : - Summit: 6 resource sets (RS) per node. 1 rank per RS drives the 1 GPU/RS....
Currently users are recommended to use NetCDF_PATH or NetCDF_[C|Fortran]\_PATH to set the paths to the NetCDF libraries. Although NetCDF_[C|Fortran]\_PATHS is recognized by the find_package_component() cmake function (in cmake/LibFind.cmake), that is...