Dear @sfmskywalker, Thanks for the information & steps to resolve this issue. Even I am facing the same issue, and I have tried with the steps you have provided as...
Even I have tried of reading the output of custom activity into a workflow variable. But in that case as well getting the error as below ``` 2022-04-18 17:41:14.777 +03:00...
Taking reference of the below bug, For the Elsa 2.6.0 version...custom activity output return should it be a IConvertable before using it in the Foreach loop and Variable activity? [(https://github.com/elsa-workflows/elsa-core/issues/2754)]
Hi @sfmskywalker, I have attached the project source code for refefence. In this project source code I have tried with Custom Activity output type as **DataRowCollection** and **"DataTable"** [ElsaQuickstarts.Server.DashboardAndServer1 (4).zip](https://github.com/elsa-workflows/elsa-core/files/8529944/ElsaQuickstarts.Server.DashboardAndServer1.4.zip)
Hello @sfmskywalker, I have shared the sample code which I have tried for using the ForEach loop. Please check the same and suggest me the right approach for the same....
Hi @sfmskywalker, I have faced same type of issue as @mohdali san is mentioned. Workflow server got crashed and not be able to open the dashboard due to serialization issue....
Hello @Sverre-W, I do have a same requirement of usage of Retention Module is Elsa 3.0. So can I contribute if there is any pending activity to complete this task...
> @jayachandra21 I've updated it to be current with the main branch. > > I also moved the cloning of the `WorkflowInstanceFilter` to an extension method inside the module, so...