Jake Waffle
Jake Waffle
I'm not ready yet, but I thought I'd open up a draft pull request so you guys know that I didn't forget about this feature.
I'm almost finished with the tests, but my development environment is throwing some strange jacoco error. However, my IDE can run the tests without a problem. This makes it difficult...
I may have uncovered a bug that only exists when the later draft versions are used. There's a couple of tests in the MaximumValidatorTest and MinimumValidatorTest classes that only fail...
I'm going to have to pick this up another time. It's so close to done.
@abhinku2 @stevehu I think I've got some ideas on how to improve performance for this particular case. The loading of the validators into the JsonSchema seems to be an independent...
I guess I just don't know much about light-4j. I usually just accept interfaces in order to handle dependency injection. Something is going to operate the JsonSchemaFactory. I was thinking...
I may need to check out the allOf, anyOf and oneOf validators more closely. It still seems like there should be a way to get validators running in parallel with...
@stevehu If we split this project into multiple modules, then you could add a module that serves as an adapter for plugging this project into the light-4j platform. That would...
@stevehu I started trying to address the need for parallel validations. My first attempt was to just make all of the validators asynchronous and nonblocking with CompletableFutures. I then used...
@stevehu I was thinking about the fork/join approach as well. I'm just not as familiar with it. The CompletableFuture approach isn't entirely blocking though. If one validator is being slow,...