Jake Waffle
Jake Waffle
It looks like the JavaAgent class loads the instrumenting agents. SpringAgent appears to be the only agent after a quick look. If I made an alternative to the SpringAgent, then...
I'm not seeing much in the SpringAgent that actually does instrumentation. It looks like it just looks for classes that implement InstrumentationAware and then sets the instrumentation (whatever that is)...
Thanks for the response. I'm new to the inspectIT project and I haven't used it yet. I've been looking around for an APM that we could use to test our...
I should mention that we're also not using spring. It seems like standalone applications are supported by this apm though.
I've got experience with Thrift's protocol and transport layer. It's completely possible to change the protocol layer of Thrift such that some header information is added to each Thrift message...
What is the best way to contact your team? Issues are fine with me, since it leaves a record for future readers. So far I've been getting acquainted with the...
Hooray, the build failed and caught something potentially problematic! By adding the maven-enforcer-plugin to the light-4j build we've found some dependency conflicts that were silently hiding within this project for...
It turns out that the dependency conflicts were only in the test dependencies, but at least the maven-enforcer-plugin works as intended. I think I'm done adding a BOM to this...
Sorry if I'm merging into the wrong branch. I figured that I'd add the BOM to the latest version of the project.
Sorry for the delay @stevehu. I'm back from my holiday travelings and transitioning into a new job. I hope you've been well. Anyway, I was a bit confused about BOM...