
Results 24 issues of javaone199

Trying to show tooltip for an input field on focus. position() method positions the tooltip(position: absolute) partially covering the target input field at the first time. my: left at: right...

Needs info

add option to use random order of symbols for obfuscation for class, member, package name, etc. By default, a to z is used in the alphabetical order. Whenever a symbol...


reCaptcha Working fine. But changing domain to not working: recaptcha FAQ: Can I use reCAPTCHA globally? Yes, please use "" in your code in circumstances when "" is...

service discussion

GS1 Databar code is used for coupons, and retail POS can scan a coupon code.

New Barcode

### Description Merge all chartJS components into one component. .... One chartJS component: The benefit is that: only one chart component is needed to render all different charts for an...

new feature

Panel open/close (toggle) icons for left and right panels. There is an icon bar for Left panel (usually a menu). Need a general icon for right panel.


For example, a file directory tree is owned by user1. login as user2 and user2 is in sudo group. but user2 can not access files owned by user1. In this...

JavaMail oauth requires full mail scope for sending email via gmail. Used scope "``" for authorization. and then got refresh and access token. Java mail: transport.connect(host, port, username, access_token); Got...

MethodParameters should not be kept for obfuscated methods. -keepattributes MethodParameters It works. But MethodParameters are also kept for obfuscated methods. If a method is not kept, its MethodParameters should not...


``` -keepparameternames -keepattributes Exceptions,InnerClasses,Signature,Deprecated, LocalVariableTable, LocalVariableTypeTable, MethodParameters, SourceFile,LineNumberTable,*Annotation*,EnclosingMethod ``` Works for classes, but It did not work for interfaces. Interface method parameters are still obfuscated as s1,s2,... shown in Intellij...