
Results 25 issues of javaone199

onLinkTap in Nested Html widget not working. For example, ``` Html(data: 'Hello ', extensions: [ TagExtension( tagsToExtend: {'object'}, builder: (ExtensionContext ec) { return Column(children: [ Text('Foo'); Html(data: 'Click me', onLinkTap:...


### Description Accordion/Tree: could not remember tab or tree node collapsed status across GET requests. For example, For a website navigation menu (tree, or accordion), user clicks an accordion tab...

new feature
sponsoring required

### Use case When opening/closing a Scaffold drawer, do not rebuild the drawer. For example, when a drawer is used as navigation menu (TreeView or ExpansionPanelList), node(or panel) collapsed/expanded states...

c: new feature
f: material design
c: proposal
a: state restoration

MultiSelectBottomSheetField( items: [ MultiSelectItem(1, 'Foo'), MultiSelectItem(2, 'Bar'), ], listType: MultiSelectListType.CHIP, onConfirm: (values) { print('selected: $values'); }, ), runtime error: TypeError (type '(List) => void' is not a subtype of type...

The example has compiling errors. After fixing them, got runtime error: ════════ Exception caught by widgets library ═══════════════════════════════════ type '(List) => Null' is not a subtype of type '((List)...

Feature request: drag selected items to order them. For example, select a number of skills by descending order.

PieChart: touched section index is incorrect if some values are zero. For example, ` values: 0, 0, 100, 200, 300.` when touching the 3rd value 100, touched index is 0...

### Use case A way to add a configuration file for flutter app. Use case as following: A software vendor developed a client/server application. client is flutter app. Release is...

### Use case Icon names are retrieved from server. So a method for getting IconData from icon name is needed. Icons.fromName(iconName) iconName is the same as the constant name in...

c: new feature

## 🐛 Bug Report ``` CachedNetworkImage( imageUrl: url, placeholder: (context, url) => const CircularProgressIndicator(), errorWidget: (context, url, error) => Text(error.toString()), httpHeaders: {}, ); ``` tried image URL: Error: Invalid...