Jason Yi

Results 11 issues of Jason Yi

Configuration file should be used as the single source of truth (ssot), and provide an simple and clean way for operation. a few enhancements have been included in this PR:...

harmony version: v4.3.10 try to start a node by connecting to mainnet, with no snapshot. I can see quite a few peers get connected ```harmony_1 | {"level":"info","hostID":"QmeiP4UvhrcFQeNnoTYaeZDZMJm2pFBrKQJW7C2v9pfkzv","node":"QmR8ZDBsamtRBARkkK1GttP3AJKBJL4fJfVBKuyDEcPPTQ","caller":"/home/runner/work/harmony/harmony/harmony/p2p/host.go:434","time":"2022-06-22T17:28:16.579194619Z","message":"peer connected"} harmony_1 |...

# Problem/limitation At Hand `lumberjack` is used as default file logger, and it is impossible to redirect the log to `stdout`. when running harmony node as docker in kubernetes, it...


# Problem/limitation At Hand `Dockerfile` under `scripts/docker` is outdated and does not support environment variable to overwrite the default value on configuration file or command line option. `env` variable is...


#### System information Geth version: `v1.1.11` OS & Version: Linux #### Expected behaviour config.toml: ``` [Node] DataDir = "node" InsecureUnlockAllowed = false NoUSB = true IPCPath = "geth.ipc" HTTPHost =...

# Rationale BSC repo currently provide a dockerfile, but does not build & publish the docker image to docker hub, which seems a piece for the pipeline and convenient for...

#### System information Geth Version: 1.1.16 Git Commit: cb131fabe5fb9570180e7030a293a984f17c2446 Architecture: amd64 Go Version: go1.17.13 Operating System: linux GOPATH= GOROOT=go #### Expected behaviour should find peers quickly #### Actual behaviour full...

#### System information Erigon version: `v2.58.1` OS & Version: Linux Commit hash: `2.58.1-f12e451c` Erigon Command (with flags/config): ``` erigon --datadir=/data --chain=mainnet --http --http.port=8545 --http.addr= --http.api=admin,eth,web3,net,debug,trace --http.corsdomain=* --http.vhosts=* --nat=extip:$(NAT_IP) --port=$(NAT_PORT) --authrpc.addr=

#### System information Erigon version: `v2.58.1` OS & Version: Linux Commit hash: `2.58.1-f12e451c` Erigon Command (with flags/config): ``` erigon --datadir=/data --chain=mainnet --http --http.port=8545 --http.addr= --http.api=admin,eth,web3,net,debug,trace --http.corsdomain=* --http.vhosts=* --nat=extip:$(NAT_IP) --port=$(NAT_PORT) --authrpc.addr=

in `dockerfile`, 26660 is exposed as prof port, but prof port should be 9060 according to the code. thanks