Jason Yi

Results 9 comments of Jason Yi

Hi, in case anyone run into the following case: - Pull from and Push to private registry, from and to registry are different if AWS ECR involved, using instance role...

```flux suspend ...```, then ```flux resume ... ``` will do the trick to recreate the resource which being deleted manually

@cosinlink removed and still facing the same issue. ``WARN [11-08|04:58:29.059] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer peer=977aaf678ad983b0e40d5e09743184ea76ea0896d618b7d913f92d7c249d1e74 err="retrieved ancestor is invalid" WARN [11-08|04:58:29.059] Synchronisation failed, retrying err="peer is unknown or unhealthy" WARN...

tried `v1.1.17`, `v1.1.16` & `v1.1.17`, with the config & genesis..same issue

tried erigon client, slowly syncing but at least moving: ``` [INFO] [11-10|09:48:05.313] [txpool] stat block=0 pending=65 baseFee=0 queued=30000 alloc=4.4GB sys=29.0GB [INFO] [11-10|09:48:06.138] [7/16 Execution] Executed blocks number=6493595 blk/s=15.6 tx/s=2439.7 Mgas/s=261.1...

@zformular I think you need to re-sync from genesis.

we are seeing this in latest devvel build too. this keep the node lagging behind. let me know if any change pushed to `devel` branch ``` [INFO] [03-10|08:38:05.962] [downloader] Downloaded...