Jason Sikes
Jason Sikes
...continuing ``` ? make "b kindof :a ? ask :b [have "joe] ? show mynamep "joe true ? ask :a [show mynamep "joe] false ? ask :b [show mynamep "joe]...
Hashtag-works-for-me! Just wanted to verify that 6.2.4 (downloaded from the link in the comment by @jrincayc above) works on my Mac. It's an M2 Silicon. While I do have Homebrew...
This works! It looks a little weird when I select text, but I think that's an unrelated and minor issue. Closing as fixed. Thank you!
This also happens with much simpler functions ``` to f1 2*2 end f1 You don't say what to do with 4 ```
Right now? No, but I like the idea. I'm going to mark this for the 1.0 release. The main thing that is holding your idea back is that the QLogo...
I found [the old emacs logo-mode code in the git history of UCBLogo](https://github.com/jrincayc/ucblogo-code/tree/0c0518bb202e765493b0d64ed64bb2f5e1c3fc57/emacs). There is still some residual emacs hooks in term.c of the UCBLogo code. It looks like its...
COPYDEF can be removed.