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Using QLogo with Emacs
Hello, I wonder it is possible to use qlogo with Emacs. I would like run QLogo interpreter beside my edit buffer. There is already a mode for ucblogo (https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/LogoMode).
Right now? No, but I like the idea. I'm going to mark this for the 1.0 release.
The main thing that is holding your idea back is that the QLogo interpreter and GUI are integrated. I'm working on separating the two so that the interpreter can be run as part of a shell script. That way the I/O can be redirected to run within, for example, Emacs.
Also, I don't know why I didn't get an email when you created this. I just now saw it.
I found the old emacs logo-mode code in the git history of UCBLogo.
There is still some residual emacs hooks in term.c of the UCBLogo code. It looks like its purpose is to inform the Logo program of Emacs's rows and columns.