Jason Rudolph

Results 30 comments of Jason Rudolph

> I have a weird problem when I go into insert mode in vim and want to exit back to normal mode with capslock as escape it doesnt always work...

> Is there a reason for this, or a reason it can't continue to have `tap-to-esc/hold-to-ctrl` even when another modifier like `shift` is held down? No. This isn't an intentional...

I do see that this issue occurred in BitBotFactory/MikaLendingBot#606 ([screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2988/45822012-8bc8d800-bcb8-11e8-8cb2-d84d2353da6a.png)) back in March, but I haven't had any luck reproducing it. πŸ€” > Is a new install on an existing...

Thanks for reporting this issue. I think I see what's causing the behavior that you're observing. I'll try to explain what I've found so far and a path toward resolving...

> 5. Open a file from the `open-on-github` clone Just to ensure that we're exactly reproducing the behavior you're seeing, can you state a specific file that you're opening? >...

Thanks, Daemian. I hope to review and merge this pull request and the previous one within the next few weeks.

Thanks again for the patch. I tested this out locally, but the new spec fails with the following output: ``` $ bundle exec rake ... Failures: 1) backtrace initializer preserves...

I think I _might_ be content just running with the silencers removed. I'm going to [uncomment this line](https://github.com/jasonrudolph/stratify/blob/5877200/stratify-rails/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb#L7) and run like that in production for a while. My hunch is...

@robjac: I see that you mention two errors: > first attempt error: > `Attempting to join portal failed with error: ref2.file.onDidChange is not a function > ` ... >> Uncaught...

@mrbarletta: Thanks for letting us know that you encountered this issue. Are you consistently seeing this problem? If you restart Atom, do you still observe the problem?