no-response icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
no-response copied to clipboard

Bot removed tag in reply to wrong person

Open Evanito opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

Seen here:

Is a new install on an existing repository so maybe the bot does not know who the original author was.

Evanito avatar Mar 17 '18 17:03 Evanito

I do see that this issue occurred in BitBotFactory/MikaLendingBot#606 (screenshot) back in March, but I haven't had any luck reproducing it. 🤔

Is a new install on an existing repository so maybe the bot does not know who the original author was.

With that in mind, I used the following steps in an attempt to reproduce the issue:

On a repository that does not have probot/no-response installed:

  1. User A opens issue
  2. User B applies more-information-needed label
  3. Repository owner installs probot/no-response on the repository
  4. User B posts a comment on the issue

Expected behavior: probot/no-response does not remove the label

Actual behavior: probot/no-response does not remove the label

screen shot 2018-09-20 at 09 44 11 am

jasonrudolph avatar Sep 20 '18 13:09 jasonrudolph

Issue is not occurring outside of the initial problem and is not affecting my use of the bot.

I defer ownership of this issue to the repository contributors. :)

Evanito avatar Sep 26 '18 21:09 Evanito