Even after specifying the lib/include dirs for openssl (same as @timbodeit above), I'm getting errors I didn't get before. Specifically this code used to be fine: ``` python generateKeys =...
FYI, local testing doesn't work for me with this one. Goes into a loop and then eventually dumps core.
> That’s the point actually. :) LOL, yeah sorry I suddenly realised that after I commented and then went to bed. It was a late night senile moment... I'll give...
I don't use amazon, but if you're connecting to ssl URLs with java, you need to connect using ssl with Python. Example here: https://github.com/jasonrbriggs/stomp.py/blob/dev/tests/test_ssl.py
Haven't seen that problem, but I don't have AWS to test with either. It could be a bug, but hard to know for sure. I'd suggest setting up a docker...
The line you quote... ``` not (("", port) in sorted_host_and_ports ``` ...only applies if localhost or is included in the list of hosts when creating the connection. i.e. if...
I've tried running multiple versions of activemq before. As far as I know you can't (at least not without hacking something). I have tried running activemq on localhost and another...
Why not use `prefer_localhost=False, try_loopback_connect=False` for the constructor then if you want strict control of the connection.
The unit test doesn't work for me when I run locally, unfortunately: ``` DEBUG stomp.py:transport.py:287 Sending frame: [b'ACK', b'\n', b'message-id:ID\\c442e3d5db544-39705-1662916537185-3\\c253\\c-1\\c1\\c7\n', b'subscription:1\n', b'\n', b'\x00'] ERROR stomp.py:transport.py:679 Error sending frame Traceback (most...
> @jasonrbriggs is there a way to synchronously shutdown the heartbeat loop in the on_disconnected instead of using the > terminate event? That would prevent us from reconnecting before disconnect...