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How to connect to the amazonmq broker like `ssl://`?
For java client we can connect amazonMQ like the following broker failover url:
but when I use with
like the following code:
host_and_ports = []
hosts = ["",
for host in hosts:
host_and_port = list(host.split(':'))
host_and_port[1] = int(host_and_port[1])
con = stomp.Connection(
listener = TestListener(print_to_log=True)
con.set_listener('latest_logging', listener)
con.connect(username='xxx', passcode='xxxxx', with_connect_command=True, wait=True)
It will throw the following errors:
Could not connect to host, port 61617
Unknown response frame type: ';activemq' (frame length was 11)
Unknown response frame type: '' (frame length was 2)
Unknown response frame type: ')' (frame length was 2)
Unknown response frame type: '' (frame length was 1)
Unknown response frame type: 'tcpnodelayenabled' (frame length was 20)
Unknown response frame type: 'sizeprefixdisabled' (frame length was 20)
Unknown response frame type: ' cachesize' (frame length was 11)
Unknown response frame type: '' (frame length was 1)
Unknown response frame type: 'providername ' (frame length was 14)
Unknown response frame type: activemq' (frame length was 9)
Unknown response frame type: 'stacktraceenabled' (frame length was 20)
Unknown response frame type: 'platformdetails ' (frame length was 17)
Unknown response frame type: 'java' (frame length was 5)
Unknown response frame type: 'cacheenabled' (frame length was 15)
Unknown response frame type: 'tightencodingenabled' (frame length was 23)
Unknown response frame type: 'maxframesize' (frame length was 14)
Unknown response frame type: '@' (frame length was 2)
Unknown response frame type: 'maxinactivityduration' (frame length was 23)
Unknown response frame type: 'u0' (frame length was 2)
Unknown response frame type: ' maxinactivitydurationinitaldelay' (frame length was 34)
Unknown response frame type: ''' (frame length was 2)
Unknown response frame type: 'providerversion ' (frame length was 17)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/PyCharm", line 1483, in _exec
pydev_imports.execfile(file, globals, locals) # execute the script
File "/Applications/PyCharm", line 18, in execfile
exec(compile(contents+"\n", file, 'exec'), glob, loc)
File "/Users/peter/", line 22, in <module>
con.connect(username='xxxx', passcode='xxxxx', with_connect_command=True, wait=True)
File "/Users/peter/opt/miniconda3/envs/python310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/stomp/", line 151, in connect
Protocol11.connect(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/peter/opt/miniconda3/envs/python310-latest/lib/python3.10/site-packages/stomp/", line 339, in connect
File "/Users/peter/opt/miniconda3/envs/python310-latest/lib/python3.10/site-packages/stomp/", line 344, in wait_for_connection
raise exception.ConnectFailedException()
any clue for this? thanks for team's help
I don't use amazon, but if you're connecting to ssl URLs with java, you need to connect using ssl with Python. Example here:
@alterhu2020 Have you tried connecting to amazon active MQ? Are you able to successfully connect?
Hi @Dhyanesh97 Not yet now. When i search from our server side code found that it can connect as following code:
public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
return new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(username, password, brokerUrl);
which only need these arguments:
The above document need to use key_file='tmp/client.key', cert_file='tmp/client.pem', ca_certs='tmp/broker2.pem'
that's not the correct way I think. Anyone can help for it?